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Digital Logic-Analysis of POS 

Analysis of POS 


POS or Product of Sum is a form of expression in boolean algebra in which the product of different sums is taken. It is not to imply an arithmetic product, but it is the boolean logic AND and the sum is boolean logic OR. 


Types of POS:

There are different types of product of sum:

  1. Canonical POS
  2. Non-canonical POS
  3. Minimal POS


Canonical POS

Canonical POS is also referred to as Product of Max term or Canonical conjunctive normal form (CCNF). 

The max terms are AND together in cases where the output is false. 

It is represented by “∏”. 


Non-canonical POS

It is a non-standard form of POS. 


Minimal POS

Minimal POS is the most simplified and optimized form of POS. It uses fewer logic gates and a lesser number of inputs, making it easier to implement. It is done using a Karnaugh map. 



Analysis of POS

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