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Digital Logic-Analysis of SOP

Analysis of SOP


SOP or Sum of Product is a form of expression in boolean algebra in which different products are summed together. It is not to imply an arithmetic multiplication, but it is the boolean logic AND and the sum is boolean logic OR. 


Types of SOP

There are different types of SOP:

  1. Canonical SOP
  2. Non-canonical SOP
  3. Minimal SOP form


Canonical SOP form

It is the standard form of SOP. Canonical SOP is formed by O-ring the minterms of the functions for which the output is true.

It is represented by the sign of summation “∑”. 


Non-canonical SOP

It is a non-standardized form of SOP. In this, the product terms are not min-terms but just simplified. 

For example:

F = A̅B̅C + A̅BC̅ + A̅BC + AB̅C

F = A̅B̅C + A̅B(C̅ + C) + AB̅C

F = A̅B̅C + A̅B(1) + AB̅C

F = A̅B̅C + A̅B + AB̅C


Minimal SOP Form

It is the most simplified SOP expression. It can be easily made using a K-map or Karnaugh map. 



Analysis of SOP

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