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Digital Logic-Basic Logic Gates

Basic Logic Gates


What are Basic Logic Gates?

A logic gate is the essential part of the digital circuit with two inputs and an output. They are implemented using electronic switches such as transistors, diodes, etc. Basic logic gates can be categorized into the following: 

  1. AND
  2. OR
  3. XOR
  4. NAND
  5. NOR
  6. XNOR
  7. NOT


AND Gate

The AND Gate is a digital logic gate that performs conjunction based on the combination of the input. The output of AND gate is true only when all the inputs are true, if one of the input is false the output will be false. 


OR Gate

The OR gate is a digital logic gate with ‘n’ inputs and one output. It performs conjunction based on the combination of the input. The output of the OR Gate will be true if one or more inputs are true. 


NOT Gate

The NOT Gate is a digital logic gate with one input and one output. It operates an inverter operation of the input. The output of the NOT Gate is reverse of the input, meaning if the input of the NOT Gate is true, the output will be false, and vice versa. 



NAND Gate is a digital logic gate that has ‘n’ inputs and one output. It performs the AND Gate operation followed by the NOT gate. When the input of the NAND Gate is high, the output will be low. 


NOR Gate

NOR Gate is a digital logic gate that has ‘n’ inputs and one output. It is a combination of NOT Gate and OR Gate. If one of the inputs is false, the output will be true. 


Exclusive-OR Gate

The Ex-OR Gate is a digital logic gate with two inputs and one output. It performs based on the OR Gate. If the input is high, the output will also be high.


Exclusive-NOR Gate

Ex-NOR has two inputs and one output. It performs based on NOR Gate. When the two inputs are high, the output will also be high. 



Basic Logic Gates 

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