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Digital Logic-Binary Arithmetic 

Binary Arithmetic 


Binary arithmetic involves binary addition, binary multiplication, binary subtraction, and binary division. 

It starts from the least significant side, i.e. from the right-hand side. 


Binary Addition

Binary addition is divided into the following steps:

  1. 0+0=0
  2. 0+1=1
  3. 1+0=1
  4. 1+1=0

For example,

Let us take the following binary numbers,

10001001 and 10010101

Binary Subtraction

Binary subtraction is divided into the following four steps:

  1. 0-0=0
  2. 0-1=1
  3. 1-0=1
  4. 1-1=0

For example:

Binary Multiplication

Binary multiplication is divided into the following four steps:

  1. 0x0=0
  2. 0x1=0
  3. 1×0=0
  4. 1×1=1

For example:

Binary Division

To explain binary division we can look at the following example:


Binary Arithmetic 

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