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Digital Logic-Digital Integrated Circuits

Digital Integrated Circuits


It is used to handle discrete signals such as the binary values in which the true or false logical operations are used. The modern digital circuit maybe thousands and millions of transistors, therefore we need integrated circuits to combine the transistors. 


Family of integrated circuits

Integrated Circuits have a logic family, which is a group of electronic logic gates. The family of the IC is as follows:


      1. Diode Logic (DL)

To implement DL, resistors and diodes are used. The diodes perform the OR and the AND operation, and the logic switch. The diode needs to be forward-biased in order to conduct. 


      2. Resistor-Transistor Logic (RTL)

To implement logic, resistors and transistors are used. The transistors combine signals that is inverted and amplified inputs. 


      3. Diode Transistor Logic (DTL)

In this transistors and diodes are used to implement logic. It is preferred over DL and RTL, as the diode can perform AND and OR operation along with a transistor and output signal can be amplified, and the OR operation can be performed using diodes instead of resistors which removes interaction between input signals. 


      4. Transistor-Transistor Logic (TTL)

Transistors are used to implement logic, and bipolar transistors are used to contract ICs. 


      5. Emitter Coupled Logic (ECL)

It is a non-structured logic and is preferred as it is speedy and has a low propagation delay.


      6. Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor Logic (CMOS)

CMOS has a high fan-out, low power consumption, and the most reliable logic family.



Digital Integrated Circuits

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