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Digital Logic-Error Correction Codes

Error Correction Codes


Error correction codes are codes used for both error detection and error correction. There are two methods of error correction:

  1. Single-bit error correction
  2. Burst error correction


Hamming code

Hamming code is the best error-correcting code used in communicating networks. 

It identifies and corrects error bits in the data sequence. To do so, it uses a number of parity bits located at different positions in a codeword. 

It uses the relation between redundancy bits and the data bits. 


Alpha Numeric code

They are binary codes used to represent alphanumeric data. They are also known as “character code”. It represents all types of data such as punctuation marks, characters, mathematical symbols, etc. 

There are various types of alphanumeric codes that were used, and some are still used. They are as follows:

  1.  MORSE code
  2.  BAUDOT code
  3. HOLLERITH code
  4.  ASCII code
  5.  EBCDIC code



Error Correction Codes

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