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Digital Logic- RS Flip Flops

RS Flip Flops


A flip flop is a binary storage device that can store binary 1 and 0 and has two stable states: high-1 and low-0. It can stay in one state indefinitely until it is directed by the input signal to switch over to the other state. 


Flip flops are also known as a bistable multivibrator. It is mainly used to control the functionality of a digital circuit. It is used where one or more of these functions are used: operations, storage, and sequencing. 


There are various types of flip-flops:


Latch flip flop


Latch flip flop or the Reset Set (RS) flip flop is one of the easiest flips flops to understand. It is made by cross-coupling two inverting gates either NAND or NOR gates can be used. 


It is a device that has two outputs, where one output is the inverse of the other. 



Clocked RS flip flop


By adding a clock to the RS flip flop one can precisely control the time at which the flip flop changes the state of the output. 


The excitation table for RS flip flop can be derived as follows:


00No change
01Reset (0)
10Set (1)



RS Flip Flops

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