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HTML 5 Tags

HTML 5 Tags


There is a list of newly add tags in HTML 5. These HTML 5 elements provide a better document structure.


List of HTML 5 Tags:


<article> – Independent piece of content in a document,

<aside> – The article is slightly related to the rest of the whole page.

<audio> – Play audio file in HTML

<bdi> – The bdi stands for bi-directional isolation. It isolates a part of the content that is

formatted in other directions from the outside content document.

<canvas> – Draw canvas.

<data> – Machine readable version of its data.

<datalist> – Auto complete feature for text field.

<details> –  Additional information or controls required by the user.

<dialog> – Window or a dialog box.

<figcaption> – Caption for a <figure> element.

<figure> –  Self-contained content like photos, diagrams, etc.

<footer> – Footer for a section.

<header> – Header for a section.

<main> – Main content of a document.

<mark> – Marked or highlighted content.

<menuitem> – User can invoke from a popup menu

<meter> – Measure the scalar value within a given range.

<nav> – Navigation link in the document.

<progress> – Progress of the task.

<rp> –  Browser that don’t support ruby annotation.

<rt> – An explanation/pronunciation of characters.

<ruby> – Ruby annotation along with <rp> and <rt>.

<section> – Section in the document.

<summary> – A visible heading for <detailed> element.

<svg> – Display shapes.

<time> – Define a date/time.

<video> –  Play video file in HTML.

<wbr> – Possible line break.



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