/    /  HTML Global Attributes

HTML Global Attributes


HTML global attributes are those attributes that are common for all HTML elements. The global attributes are supported by both standard and non-standard elements.

It is used with all elements, although they may not have any effect on some elements.


List of global attributes with their description:


Attributes : Description


accesskey(character) : Generate keyboard shortcuts for the current element.

class( classname) : Class name for the current element. It is mainly used with the stylesheet.

Contenteditable(true /false) : Content within an element is editable or not.

contextmenu(menu_id) : The id for the <menu> element which is used as a context menu (a menu appear on right-click) for an element.

data(somevalue) : store element-specific private data that can be accessed by Javascript.

dir(rtl/ltr/auto) : The direction of the text inside the current element.

draggable(true/false/auto) : The text inside an element is movable or not using Drag and Drop API.

dropzone(copy/move/link) : Dragged element when it is dropped, ¬¬ such as whether it is copied moved/linked.

hidden : Hide the element from view.

id(id) : Unique id for the element. It can be used with CSS and  JavaScript.

lang(language_code) : The primary language for the text of an element.

style(style)  : Apply inline CSS to the current element.

spellcheck(true/false) : The text should be checked for spelling errors or not.

tabindex(number) : Tabbing order of an element.

title(text) : Define the title, name, or some extra information about the element.

translate(yes/no) : The text of the element should be translated when the page is localized or not.