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What is HTML

What is HTML


HTML5 Syntax:


HTML5 is a “custom” HTML syntax that is suitable with HTML 4 and XHTML1 documents published on the Web but this is not suitable with the more esoteric SGML features of HTML 4.HTML5 and XHTML do not have the same syntax rules .

HTML5 is a lot of flexibility and it supports the following features


Let’s see a simple example of HTML:


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
  <title>A simple HTML document</title>
 <h1>Hello World!</h1>
  <p>Hello World!<p>



It defines the document type declaration: <!DOCTYPE html> or it instructs the browser about the version of HTML.It is case-insensitive.


<html > :

This tag instructs the browser that it is an HTML document. The text between the HTML tag (begins with <html> and ends with </html>) describes the web document.


<head> : 

It should be the first element inside the <html> element, which contains the metadata(information about the document) and must be closed before the body tag opens.


<title> :

<title> tag defines the title of the document and it is used to add the title of that HTML page which appears at the top of the browser window. It will be placed inside the head tag and should close immediately.


<body> : 

The text between the body tag describes the body content (paragraphs, links, images, tables, and so on) of the page that is visible to the end-user.


<h1> :

The text between <h1> tag describes the first level heading of the webpage. HTML headings are defined with the <h1> to <h6> tags. <h1> – most important heading. <h6> – least important heading.


<p> :

<p> tag describes the paragraph of the webpage.



HTML Versions:


There are lots of HTML versions in the market.


HTML 1.0:

The first version of HTML was 1.0, and which was the barebones version of HTML language, it was released in1991.


HTML 2.0:

This was the second version it was released in 1995, and it was the standard language version for website design. HTML 2.0 was able to support extra features such as form-based file upload, form elements such as text box, option button, button, etc.


HTML 3.2:

HTML 3.2 version it was published by W3C in early 1997. HTML 3.2 version was capable of creating tables and providing support for extra options for form elements.


HTML 4.01:

The HTML 4.01 version was released in December 1999, and it is a very stable version of HTML language. This HTML 4.01 version is the current official standard, and it provides added support for stylesheets (CSS) and scripting ability for various multimedia elements.



HTML5 is the newest version of HyperText Markup language. The first draft of this version was announced in January 2008. There are two major organizations one is W3C (World Wide Web Consortium), and another one is WHATWG( Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group) which are involved in the development of the HTML 5 version.

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